
Simple Strategies for Problem-Solving

There are three types of problems that people tend to face in their lives: external, internal, and existential. External problems involve something outside our control, such as an illness, natural disaster, or even family conflicts. Internal issues result from poor choices and decisions in life, such as not exercising enough or eating processed food. Existential problems are more complicated than the other two types because they require facing an unknown. This is why people must do things like research and experiment with different solutions to solve them.

It is essential to be aware that problems do not happen because we are bad people, and problems occur to good and bad people alike. Sometimes, despite our best judgments and careful planning, problems still meet us in the most unexpected moments of life.

Here are some problem-solving ways:

Find the root cause.

Through my years of experience, I’ve found that the most challenging part of overcoming problems is finding out their root cause. In one of my job, if there was a defect, our team would be meeting up and discussing the root cause of the defects. I must admit, it can take time when you are deep-diving into the root cause, and one thing can lead to another. But if it is time-consuming for the team, sometimes we feel, “Hey, just select any root cause will do.”. But that should not be the quick-fix solution because you may not be addressing the actual root cause.

If you can discover the source of your problem, then you can fix it much more manageable. There are many areas to look for when trying to solve an issue. First, start asking questions. Asking questions like these can be a great way to figure out what you should do to solve your issues. Follow the clues and come up with the best solution for your problem.

One of the most popular root cause methods is asking “5 Whys” to understand what needs to be fixed to improve a situation. The 5 Whys method gets you deep into the root cause of a problem and helps you find a solution.

Keep your chin up.

Doing your best to keep your chin up in the face of adversity is essential, but it’s only a little thing. Sometimes the little things are tough to notice, which can lead to more significant problems later on.

Keeping your chin up is an important life skill, and it’s something we should all strive to do. But it can be challenging to maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity. Sometimes we need a reminder that the little things are tough to notice because sometimes we get caught up in work and lose awareness of what’s happening around us.

Face the problem.

Once the problem is identified, face it head-on. The issue faced by many people is that they are too afraid of what others might think. Those who rise to the occasion and face their problems head-on, however, avoid negativity and overcome challenges. But those who choose to avoid problems may start to feel and think negatively. This is a common issue that many suffer from. Some may turn to harmful habits such as alcohol, drugs, and other self-destructive behaviors to avoid their problems.

Seek assistance.

Another powerful solution to problem-solving is to ask for help. The question of “should I ask for help” still seems to be a dilemma to many of us. However, it is an important question to consider which can lead us down the path of personal growth and professional development.

Some people might think that asking for help is a sign of weakness, but in reality, it’s the best way to get what you want out of life. We need to know when we are in a tough spot and need more support from others to find the answer or solution that will bring us closer to what we want.


When faced with problems, it is difficult to know how to handle them, and it can be challenging to always see the good side of things. That is why you must try not to give up. If you can look at your problems as an opportunity, then there will be a solution waiting for you at the end of the tunnel.

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